When it comes to wine clubs, at most wineries you sign up, you get a couple of bottles periodically, your credit card is charged and that’s that. You belong to a regular wine club.

Here at Ponte you belong to a Special Club.  We offer much more than wine. Everything is discounted to our Members, and only to our Members: hotel rooms, wine (of course), food, cocktails, events, gift items, everything.  No one else stays at our hotel at a lower rate, no one.

Until now hotel rooms at Ponte Vineyard Inn (for Members in good standing) were 10% off on weekends and 20% off on weekdays.  We are happy to announce that we are extending the 20% discount to weekend stays also.  In addition, we are planning monthly promotions and fun value-added packages for you.

The small print: As before, this rate applies to one room per stay only, and is subject to availability. There are no blackouts, meaning we do not block rooms at this rate for holidays or special events. As long as we have rooms available, your special rate will also be available.  Additionally, we know you hate resort fees and so do we.  No resort fees here. Not now, not ever.  In order to honor the rate we must verify with the winery that your membership is in good standing.

Lastly, for those of you who are not Members yet, we’ll honor the discount if you sign up here before you make your reservation.

See you soon
